Population - Million People - -  2025: 9.206 2030: 10.29 2060: 16.89 Population growth rate - Annual Percent - -  2025: 2.265 2030: 2.190 2060: 1.118 Crude birthrate - per Thousand - -  2025: 31.07 2030: 29.91 2060: 18.23 Crude death rate - per Thousand - -  2025: 7.995 2030: 7.612 2060: 6.774 Infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births - Deaths per Thousand Live Births - -  2025: 60.59 2030: 54.83 2060: 27.05 Life expectancy - Total - Years - -  2025: 63.89 2030: 65.44 2060: 72.90 Life expectancy - Male - Years - -  2025: 62.53 2030: 64.01 2060: 71.30 Life expectancy - Female - Years - -  2025: 65.26 2030: 66.88 2060: 74.55 Total fertility rate (births per woman over lifetime) - Births per Woman - -  2025: 3.868 2030: 3.683 2060: 2.371 HIV infection, rate, percentage of adult population - Percent - -  2025: 0.683 2030: 0.615 2060: 0.189 Population, aged 0 to 5 - Million People - -  2025: 1.256 2030: 1.385 2060: 1.507 Population, aged 15 years or less - Million People - -  2025: 3.458 2030: 3.697 2060: 4.486 Population, aged 15 to 65 - Million People - -  2025: 5.424 2030: 6.189 2060: 11.10 Population, aged more than 65 years - Million People - -  2025: 0.324 2030: 0.401 2060: 1.304 Population in urban areas - Million People - -  2025: 4.154 2030: 4.847 2060: 9.945 Labor participation rate - Ratio - -  2025: 0.325 2030: 0.326 2060: 0.316 Female share of the labor force - Percent of Labor Force - -  2025: 49.17 2030: 49.64 2060: 50.00