Population - Million People - -  2025: 11.21 2030: 11.06 2060: 9.102 Population growth rate - Annual Percent - -  2025: -0.229 2030: -0.313 2060: -0.946 Crude birthrate - per Thousand - -  2025: 8.737 2030: 8.535 2060: 7.500 Crude death rate - per Thousand - -  2025: 10.29 2030: 11.18 2060: 16.33 Infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births - Deaths per Thousand Live Births - -  2025: 3.472 2030: 3.043 2060: 1.277 Life expectancy - Total - Years - -  2025: 79.16 2030: 79.72 2060: 83.78 Life expectancy - Male - Years - -  2025: 76.62 2030: 77.10 2060: 80.93 Life expectancy - Female - Years - -  2025: 81.66 2030: 82.29 2060: 86.53 Total fertility rate (births per woman over lifetime) - Births per Woman - -  2025: 1.488 2030: 1.522 2060: 1.582 HIV infection, rate, percentage of adult population - Percent - -  2025: 0.371 2030: 0.493 2060: 1.161 Population, aged 0 to 5 - Million People - -  2025: 0.501 2030: 0.480 2060: 0.348 Population, aged 15 years or less - Million People - -  2025: 1.686 2030: 1.539 2060: 1.097 Population, aged 15 to 65 - Million People - -  2025: 7.574 2030: 7.179 2060: 5.085 Population, aged more than 65 years - Million People - -  2025: 1.946 2030: 2.346 2060: 2.920 Population in urban areas - Million People - -  2025: 8.709 2030: 8.664 2060: 7.342 Labor participation rate - Ratio - -  2025: 0.434 2030: 0.421 2060: 0.387 Female share of the labor force - Percent of Labor Force - -  2025: 39.29 2030: 40.55 2060: 45.54