Country Profile - Belize      IFs Version 8.28
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Learn more about the International Futures (IFs) forecasting system and the Pardee Center for International Futures at the University of Denver.

     Forecast Categories for Belize
     International Politics
     Domestic Government

Population Forecast for Belize -
Population - Million People - -
     2024: 0.419
     2030: 0.452
     2060: 0.552
Population growth rate - Annual Percent - -
     2024: 1.360
     2030: 1.132
     2060: 0.230
Crude birthrate - per Thousand - -
     2024: 15.96
     2030: 14.67
     2060: 10.30
Crude death rate - per Thousand - -
     2024: 4.854
     2030: 5.409
     2060: 9.019
Infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births - Deaths per Thousand Live Births - -
     2024: 10.34
     2030: 8.527
     2060: 3.175
Life expectancy - Total - Years - -
     2024: 75.67
     2030: 76.39
     2060: 80.59
Life expectancy - Male - Years - -
     2024: 72.29
     2030: 72.77
     2060: 76.72
Life expectancy - Female - Years - -
     2024: 79.07
     2030: 80.01
     2060: 84.31
Total fertility rate (births per woman over lifetime) - Births per Woman - -
     2024: 1.804
     2030: 1.726
     2060: 1.700
HIV infection, rate, percentage of adult population - Percent - -
     2024: 1.205
     2030: 1.289
     2060: 1.478
Population, aged 0 to 5 - Million People - -
     2024: 0.035
     2030: 0.034
     2060: 0.029
Population, aged 15 years or less - Million People - -
     2024: 0.111
     2030: 0.107
     2060: 0.090
Population, aged 15 to 65 - Million People - -
     2024: 0.284
     2030: 0.312
     2060: 0.357
Population, aged more than 65 years - Million People - -
     2024: 0.024
     2030: 0.033
     2060: 0.105
Population in urban areas - Million People - -
     2024: 0.196
     2030: 0.219
     2060: 0.318
Labor participation rate - Ratio - -
     2024: 0.450
     2030: 0.448
     2060: 0.413
Female share of the labor force - Percent of Labor Force - -
     2024: 39.11
     2030: 40.64
     2060: 45.61

Health Forecast for Belize -
Obesity Rate - Total - Percent of Adults 30 Years and Older - -
     2024: 23.57
     2030: 24.66
     2060: 29.43
Smoking Rate (Adults 30+) - Total - Percent of Adults - -
     2024: 12.43
     2030: 12.98
     2060: 15.48
Malnourished children (under 5) as percent - Percent of All Children - -
     2024: 4.103
     2030: 3.938
     2060: 3.149
Malnourished children as percent, Smith and Haddad Formulation - Percent of Population - -
     2024: 2.523
     2030: 1.311
     2060: 0.000
Malnourished population as percent - Percent of Population - -
     2024: 3.311
     2030: 2.480
     2060: 0.337

Education Forecast for Belize -
Education, primary, enrollment rate, gross - Total - Enrollment Rate - -
     2024: 108.7
     2030: 103.4
     2060: 100.0
Education, primary, enrollment rate, net - Total - Percent of Children Enrolled - -
     2024: 99.18
     2030: 100.00
     2060: 100.0
Education, Lower Secondary, gross enrollment (% of age group) - Total - Percent - -
     2024: 100.9
     2030: 99.10
     2060: 99.14
Education, Upper Secondary, gross enrollment (% of age group) - Total - Percent - -
     2024: 72.98
     2030: 78.73
     2060: 91.01
Education, tertiary, gross enrolment rate - Total - Percent - -
     2024: 27.21
     2030: 30.82
     2060: 41.60
Education, years obtained by population 25+ - Total - Years Completed - -
     2024: 8.525
     2030: 8.887
     2060: 10.09
Literacy, percentage of population, 15 and older - Percent of Population 15 and Older - -
     2024: 78.48
     2030: 81.26
     2060: 99.59

Social/Human Forecast for Belize
Population with income less than $2.15 per day, log normal computation (in 2017 US Dollars) - Million People - -
     2024: 0.064
     2030: 0.077
     2060: 0.032
Population with income less than $3.65 per day, log normal computation (in 2017 US Dollars) - Million People - -
     2024: 0.149
     2030: 0.172
     2060: 0.097
Human development index, UN Development Program's measure - Index - -
     2024: 0.796
     2030: 0.813
     2060: 0.931
Human poverty index 1, UN Development Program's measure - Index - -
     2024: 14.95
     2030: 13.02
     2060: 1.726
Calories per capita available - Total - Kilocalories per Person per Day - -
     2024: 2,960
     2030: 3,028
     2060: 3,300
Traditional/Secular-Rational index - Total - Index - -
     2024: 0.091
     2030: 0.115
     2060: 0.146
Survival/self-expression index - Total - Index - -
     2024: 0.157
     2030: 0.194
     2060: 0.319

Economy Forecast for Belize
Gross domestic product at PPP - Billion 2017 Dollars - -
     2024: 3.925
     2030: 4.567
     2060: 10.20
Gross domestic product - Billion 2017 Dollars - -
     2024: 2.857
     2030: 3.537
     2060: 9.461
GDP per capita at PPP (2017 Thousand US Dollars) - Thousand 2017 Dollars - -
     2024: 9.366
     2030: 10.10
     2060: 18.48
Domestic GINI index of inequality (larger is more unequal, from 0 to 1) - Index - -
     2024: 0.533
     2030: 0.538
     2060: 0.546
Globalization level index, base years values from 0-100 (highest) - Index - -
     2024: 54.24
     2030: 50.87
     2060: 15.79
Knowledge society index; base year 0-100 (better) - Index - -
     2024: 26.83
     2030: 27.42
     2060: 35.26

Energy Forecast for Belize
Energy production - Oil - Billion Barrels Oil Equivalent - -
     2024: 0.001
     2030: 0.001
     2060: 0.001

Environment Forecast for Belize
Annual carbon emissions from fossil fuels - Billion Tons - -
     2024: 0.000
     2030: 0.000
     2060: 0.001

International Politics Forecast for Belize
Diplomacy, Military, and Economic (DiME) Power Index - Index - -
     2024: 0.028
     2030: 0.053
     2060: 0.069

Domestic Government Forecast for Belize
Freedom House freedom indicator (higher is more democratic;2-14;reversed from Freedom House) - Index - -
     2024: 13.33
     2030: 13.62
     2060: 14.00
Democracy, Polity index (Range: 0-20; higher is better) - Index - -
     2024: 15.22
     2030: 16.00
     2060: 18.61
Government corruption perception, based on TI (higher is less corrupt) - Index - -
     2024: 4.045
     2030: 4.239
     2060: 5.603
Government effectiveness (quality), factor score; higher is better - Index - -
     2024: 2.098
     2030: 2.226
     2060: 2.958
Economic freedom, Fraser Institute/Econ Freedom Network freedom indicator (higher more free) - Index - -
     2024: 6.821
     2030: 6.872
     2060: 7.212