Population - Million People - - 2024: 10.62 2030: 10.95 2060: 11.48 Population growth rate - Annual Percent - - 2024: 0.603 2030: 0.388 2060: -0.133 Crude birthrate - per Thousand - - 2024: 13.33 2030: 11.90 2060: 10.22 Crude death rate - per Thousand - - 2024: 7.286 2030: 8.013 2060: 11.55 Infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births - Deaths per Thousand Live Births - - 2024: 30.35 2030: 26.15 2060: 12.47 Life expectancy - Total - Years - - 2024: 72.71 2030: 73.92 2060: 79.91 Life expectancy - Male - Years - - 2024: 68.87 2030: 69.97 2060: 75.79 Life expectancy - Female - Years - - 2024: 76.43 2030: 77.74 2060: 83.85 Total fertility rate (births per woman over lifetime) - Births per Woman - - 2024: 1.773 2030: 1.821 2060: 1.848 HIV infection, rate, percentage of adult population - Percent - - 2024: 0.095 2030: 0.116 2060: 0.205 Population, aged 0 to 5 - Million People - - 2024: 0.728 2030: 0.658 2060: 0.589 Population, aged 15 years or less - Million People - - 2024: 2.431 2030: 2.126 2060: 1.862 Population, aged 15 to 65 - Million People - - 2024: 7.298 2030: 7.545 2060: 6.973 Population, aged more than 65 years - Million People - - 2024: 0.894 2030: 1.281 2060: 2.647 Population in urban areas - Million People - - 2024: 6.017 2030: 6.456 2060: 7.729 Labor participation rate - Ratio - - 2024: 0.474 2030: 0.459 2060: 0.405 Female share of the labor force - Percent of Labor Force - - 2024: 49.79 2030: 49.79 2060: 49.79
Obesity Rate - Total - Percent of Adults 30 Years and Older - - 2024: 29.60 2030: 31.90 2060: 39.30 Smoking Rate (Adults 30+) - Total - Percent of Adults - - 2024: 23.90 2030: 24.49 2060: 27.56 Malnourished children (under 5) as percent - Percent of All Children - - 2024: 4.693 2030: 4.091 2060: 2.769 Malnourished children as percent, Smith and Haddad Formulation - Percent of Population - - 2024: 4.503 2030: 2.818 2060: 0.000 Malnourished population as percent - Percent of Population - - 2024: 0.372 2030: 0.068 2060: 0.015
Education, primary, enrollment rate, gross - Total - Enrollment Rate - - 2024: 103.3 2030: 102.5 2060: 100.0 Education, primary, enrollment rate, net - Total - Percent of Children Enrolled - - 2024: 98.50 2030: 99.99 2060: 100.0 Education, Lower Secondary, gross enrollment (% of age group) - Total - Percent - - 2024: 99.49 2030: 101.8 2060: 101.2 Education, Upper Secondary, gross enrollment (% of age group) - Total - Percent - - 2024: 84.93 2030: 89.59 2060: 99.67 Education, tertiary, gross enrolment rate - Total - Percent - - 2024: 28.33 2030: 34.74 2060: 64.45 Education, years obtained by population 25+ - Total - Years Completed - - 2024: 12.73 2030: 12.97 2060: 14.65 Literacy, percentage of population, 15 and older - Percent of Population 15 and Older - - 2024: 100.0 2030: 100.0 2060: 100.0
Population with income less than $2.15 per day, log normal computation (in 2017 US Dollars) - Million People - - 2024: 0.080 2030: 0.008 2060: 0.000 Population with income less than $3.65 per day, log normal computation (in 2017 US Dollars) - Million People - - 2024: 1.003 2030: 0.248 2060: 0.000 Human development index, UN Development Program's measure - Index - - 2024: 0.875 2030: 0.891 2060: 0.970 Human poverty index 1, UN Development Program's measure - Index - - 2024: 4.057 2030: 3.444 2060: 1.747 Calories per capita available - Total - Kilocalories per Person per Day - - 2024: 3,191 2030: 3,318 2060: 3,687 Traditional/Secular-Rational index - Total - Index - - 2024: -0.184 2030: -0.178 2060: -0.076 Survival/self-expression index - Total - Index - - 2024: -1.433 2030: -1.376 2060: -0.983
Gross domestic product at PPP - Billion 2017 Dollars - - 2024: 153.1 2030: 185.6 2060: 445.6 Gross domestic product - Billion 2017 Dollars - - 2024: 47.50 2030: 64.17 2060: 285.4 GDP per capita at PPP (2011 Thousand US Dollars) - Thousand 2011 Dollars - - 2024: 14.41 2030: 16.95 2060: 38.81 Domestic GINI index of inequality (larger is more unequal, from 0 to 1) - Index - - 2024: 0.263 2030: 0.248 2060: 0.210 Globalization level index, base years values from 0-100 (highest) - Index - - 2024: 48.66 2030: 45.05 2060: 36.18 Knowledge society index; base year 0-100 (better) - Index - - 2024: 19.22 2030: 26.06 2060: 55.05
Energy production - Oil - Billion Barrels Oil Equivalent - - 2024: 0.220 2030: 0.205 2060: 0.342
Annual carbon emissions from fossil fuels - Billion Tons - - 2024: 0.012 2030: 0.014 2060: 0.028
Diplomacy, Military, and Economic (DiME) Power Index - Index - - 2024: 0.151 2030: 0.153 2060: 0.201
Freedom House freedom indicator (higher is more democratic;2-14;reversed from Freedom House) - Index - - 2024: 3.014 2030: 3.066 2060: 3.400 Democracy, Polity index (Range: 0-20; higher is better) - Index - - 2024: 3.569 2030: 4.068 2060: 7.203 Government corruption perception, based on TI (higher is less corrupt) - Index - - 2024: 3.130 2030: 3.519 2060: 6.612 Government effectiveness (quality), factor score; higher is better - Index - - 2024: 2.391 2030: 2.551 2060: 3.304 Economic freedom, Fraser Institute/Econ Freedom Network freedom indicator (higher more free) - Index - - 2024: 6.450 2030: 6.566 2060: 7.096