Error Handler for IFsWeb.

The following error occurred:

There is an error in init, probably a missing file.

Error Description: Cannot create ActiveX component.
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.CreateObject(String ProgId, String ServerName)
at IFsWeb.Function2.LoadRunFiles(MyFiles& col, String& PutFdrvRun2, DataTable& Files, Object& UseSQLite) in D:\Users\Public\IFs\IFsWeb\App_Code\Function2.vb:line 2895
at IFsWeb.Global.IFSinit(DataTable& valtblInit) in D:\Users\Public\IFs\IFsWeb\App_Code\Global.asax.vb:line 1611

The IFs project will appreciate and thank users that report any errors they might find, in either the web-based or stand-alone version of IFs including a reproducible path for generating the error (please provide details clearly) to Thank you for using IFs and making it better.